Friday, July 4, 2008

What's in a Bud?

"Friendship is about forgiveness and selflessness.

Friendship is made by choice, not by fate.

Friendship should be treasured in the present, not when it is the past."

Quotations i picked up from a latest advert on tv. I will choose not to elaborate as i believe the true meaning of these sentences and how they apply to every human relation decision in our daily lives, will emerge , if pondered upon thoughtfully.

Afterall, it is only natural for us to at times tend to forget the little things in life if we do not slow down once in a while to ponder and appreciate ourselves, our every decision taken, and the ones we have........... Plus the fact that im down with a cold today and lazy to elaborate on matters. Hehe=x


Anonymous said...

hoho nice lines

JessicaK said...

Hehe, thx. I feel that it's quite true, thats why i decided to share. I believe many need to understand what this truly means and learn to embrace it before using the word "friendship".

Anonymous said...

Lol. then wat is relationship? =x

JessicaK said...

Lol. Wait inspiration kicks in or if i can find nice quotations i put ya. i trying to find also, hehe.

Alternatively, u can try viewing my old very long-winded blog posts, i think for now there might be enough details thereXD
