Tuesday, July 15, 2008

OMG ROTFL LOL Hammies!!!!!

Some unexpected hamster pics i found online, really enjoyed these, hope it puts a smile on your faces=p

The vids below aren't exactly new. To those from cheers, they are the same ones as the ones i posted in our forum b4. to the others who have not seen them, have fun~

Hamster vacumn!

How many rounds can ur hamster turn?=x

The life of a human VS the life of a hamster:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My RC, Take 1

New piccies uploaded. Think I need to get myself a new cam phone to help with my picture taking addiction/ hobby. Enjoy!

Situation 1:

Some candid shots I got awhile back on my 2 ‘model’ hamsters depicting some cute antics. My apologies for the blurriness of the pics as the shots were taken in the spur of the moment under the burst mode.

PS: Subtitling done by me as best I can to inject humour into the pics. The 1st hamster & the one on the right of the subsequent pics to come is the female one.

Girl: Zzzzz....

Guy: (approcahes) Hey! Wake up! There's someone peeking at you sleeping!
Girl: Huh? Hey, What the?! Who are you? What are you doing here?

Guy: It's me la dear. (Leans closer) *smooch*
Girl: !!!!!!!!!!!!
Girl: Oh, it's you. (smooches back). I'm still sleepy, i don't wanna move far....
Guy: No worries dear. Come and just do as i say. I'm not gonna let anyone simply spy on my chick sleeping man.

2 minutes later, both of them repositioned themselves to ‘counter’ my intrusion into their privacy. Pic depicted as below……

However, I believe that the female one may have been a tad bit too heavy to lean on for her dear bf, and thus, 5 mins into their nap, her sleeping position then changed to this:

Situation 2:

We all know hamsters are antics masters right? They’d do anything from climbing bars to clinging onto them with 1 paw right? Food is a strong motivation for them to do unexpected stunts right?

Proof that such motivation can lead to them getting caught red-handed…

Friday, July 4, 2008

What's in a Bud?

"Friendship is about forgiveness and selflessness.

Friendship is made by choice, not by fate.

Friendship should be treasured in the present, not when it is the past."

Quotations i picked up from a latest advert on tv. I will choose not to elaborate as i believe the true meaning of these sentences and how they apply to every human relation decision in our daily lives, will emerge , if pondered upon thoughtfully.

Afterall, it is only natural for us to at times tend to forget the little things in life if we do not slow down once in a while to ponder and appreciate ourselves, our every decision taken, and the ones we have........... Plus the fact that im down with a cold today and lazy to elaborate on matters. Hehe=x